Sunday, November 28, 2010

GUD Issue 6 On Sale Now

GUD #6 has stories by Aliette de Bodard, Lou Antonelli, Caroline Yoachim, and Lavie Tidhar (and more). GUD #6 has poetry from Jennifer Jerome, Tara Deal, and Jim Pascual Agustin (and more). GUD #6 has Aunia Kahn and Andy B. Clarkson's art (and more). GUD #6 has 200 pages of art, fiction, and poetry. Not to mention that every issue comes with @littlefluffycat.

Order a print copy of GUD Magazine Issue 6 today. It's human-powered, won't break if you drop it, and is guaranteed never to be deleted from your brain.

See the TOC and previews.

$12 for one issue--or save a few bucks and get a two-issue or four-issue subscription!

Subscribe now.

* if you're not a fan of hardcopy or PDF we're also going to be offering epub directly with this issue! Just need a few more tweaks to make the issue instigator happy!

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